
For all of my life I had waited for him. The one who would end my suffering. It didn’t matter how it ended at that point. As long as I could reach the end. I was too far gone to stay and yet I was too much of a coward to do what needed to be done. A lost moth in a land full of butterflies; similarly made, but far from the same. He could have rescued me by plunging a dagger through my heart. He could have poisoned me and watched me suffer slowly. He could have used his bare hands to strangle me until he saw the light fade from my sorrow filled eyes. I wouldn’t have stopped him. I wouldn’t have dared try. I would have used my last breath to say “thank you”. I only sought a means to an end. Just a slight reprieve from my suffering. When he came, he was the only true happiness that my hatred filled gaze had ever seen. He was the single glass of water in the fiery flames of hell. I wasn’t fit to exist in his presence but if he were to go, it would be far worse than death. For some reason he chose to end my suffering the hard way. He endured my venom; my blackened heart. He whispered words of healing to my tattered soul. Some of me was forever lost to the darkness, yet he remained ever ready to catch me whenever I tried to jump. He soothed the beast inside while understanding that the darkness had long ago become my faithful companion. Still he remains, the constant light to my constant darkness. As time has passed, he has brought his light into me. Likewise, I have brought my dark into him. Together we have become gray. A colorless rainbow. We are forever as one.