Post Gastric Sleeve

Last week was my long awaited surgery date for my gastric sleeve procedure! It was a crazy whirlwind week but I’m finally starting to get more settled now. The procedure itself went well. I also had a hernia that they repaired since they were already in there. I had a really hard time keeping anything down without heaving for a long time afterwards and we had to change my pain medication because it was also making me sick. The barium swallow test I had to do before leaving wasn’t as bad as I expected and I was really relieved to hear that there were no leaks. I ended up with five incisions. Three normal, one with staples (where they removed the stomach), and one with a drain attached. I had to keep the drain in until my post-op appointment yesterday. The drain was really one of the most tedious parts of aftercare. I had to drain the bag whenever it needed and record how much fluid I drained each time. I was so worried about accidentally pulling it out that I couldn’t rest well. It was a huge relief to have it removed even though it was one of the most disturbing feelings I’ve ever felt. This week has been one of the most challenging of my life honestly. The first few days after surgery I couldn’t even fathom drinking sips of water without heaving. I was barely drinking a medicine cup or two of fluids a day. I was getting dehydrated, and definitely wasn’t meeting my protein or fluid goals. I still cant stomach any protein drinks and am trying desperately to meet my protein requirements. I never thought that I would be trying so hard just to keep sips of liquid down. At times I would feel so weak and drained and just hungry and miserable. I have literally broken down in tears on several occasions during the week. They tell you going in that this is an emotional surgery but I still just wasn’t completely prepared for how upsetting some things are. I’ve asked myself why I did this and mourned for the ability to feel normal again. Without my family, I wouldn’t have made it through this week still sane. The nurses weren’t joking when they said you need a strong support system after surgery. Without my family being there to hold my hand and help me through those moments, I would have had a complete breakdown. Having them be there to remind me why I did this and to assure me that life would eventually get back on track was a priceless gift. My sweet momma has drove such long distances back and forth to come help me whenever I need it. My husband slept on an air mattress beside the bed for a week in fear that he would hit my drain in his sleep and hurt me. They’ve literally helped me take showers because I was unable to bend much and the drain needed held. You have to rely so much on help and it’s really difficult when you’re used to just living your life as a normal functioning person before this. Luckily I’m getting better every day with my intake of fluids and foods. I’m in phase 3 diet now so I can eat pureed food which is easier for me to stomach. My drain is out now as well so I can move more freely and without worry of pulling it out. Yesterday I even went shopping for a bit with mom to get some groceries and was able to walk around more. I’m praying that I will keep improving and getting stronger so that I can feel normal again. I’ve lost 15 pounds in these 8 days after surgery so its definitely a good start for me. Wish me luck as I continue to heal and I’ll post another update soon!

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